About Studysmarter
StudySmarter is a digital learning platform that provides tools and resources to help students with their studies. StudySmarter offers features such as collaborative learning, digital flashcards, study plans, and access to a vast library of educational materials. The platform aims to support students in organizing their study materials, creating effective study plans, and collaborating with peers.
In order for Studysmarter to offer the study platform for free to its users, it collaborated with companies and universities who aim to recruit the students. Hence the companies shared their job advertisements on the platform. The image below visually represents the envisioned link between students and employers. In realizing this connection, we've developed a job board, strategically designed to serve as a bridge between these two crucial entities. This platform is meticulously crafted to provide mutual benefits, facilitating a symbiotic relationship where students can explore opportunities and employers can find valuable talent. We had many pages with company profiles and job details pages published on our website. However, creating those company profiles and job listings happened manually by internal staff. This was a slow, manual process with a lot of back and forth between internal staff, customers and developers.
My role
In my role at StudySmarter, I played a pivotal role in revolutionizing our job board, demonstrating my ability to drive efficiency and streamline operations. Our job board featured company profiles and job details. However, the process of creating and managing these listings was done manually by internal staff. The manual involvement of internal staff led to inefficiencies, causing extended turnaround times and frequent back-and-forths with customers. Recognizing the need for improvement, my objective was clear: enhance the workflow, making it more efficient for both our internal team and our users who were seeking to create and manage company profiles and job listings.
To address this challenge, I orchestrated a transition, moving the creation and management of profiles and jobs away from Django and into a purpose-built Jobboard powered by Wordpress. Taking a strategic approach, I conducted a comprehensive business case study and user story mapping exercise, examining the process from both the student and employer perspectives.
Once the jobboard was launched, customers still faced the daunting task of individually creating and publishing job listings on our job board. Especially for larger clients with thousands of job listings, this was still a cumbersome process. To address this challenge, we implemented a strategic solution. Companies were now able to share the details of all their job listings at once via an XML feed. Leveraging an importer, we automated the process of crawling through the feed and seamlessly posting all jobs onto the job board. Furthermore, any updates or changes made by the customer in the XML were automatically reflected on our job board within a maximum delay of one day.
The implementation of Jobboard brought about transformative changes.
- Companies could now independently create and edit their company profiles and job listings, eliminating the need for extensive manual involvement from our internal staff.
- The time spent per company profile saw a remarkable reduction, plummeting from 20 minutes to a mere 5 minutes. This efficiency improvement of 4x not only saved valuable time but also greatly enhanced the overall user experience.
- Thanks to the bulk import of jobs, we attracted bigger partners such as Deloitte, Rossmann, Bearing Point, A&O Hostels, Fachverbandwho who were investing in the range of 50-100k, a substantial increase from the conventional 1-5k range.
- The number of job listings surged from around 1,500 to an impressive 6,000, marking a pivotal achievement in the expansion and diversification of our job board.